Authors: Paulus Jimmytheja Ng, Anis Mashdurohatun and Ramon Novrial

The purpose of this research is to analyze and find legal protection for insurance policyholders. The results of the study found that legal protection for insurance policyholders (consumers) has not been based on the value of justice due to the non-fulfillment of consumer rights by insurance business actors due to default by insurance companies. In this case, the Financial Services Authority does not carry out its duties, functions, responsibilities, and authorities in providing protection to insurance (consumer) policyholders, especially related to the large authority it has to defend consumer and public protection, and the absence of an Independent Supervisory Board, with integrity and competent authority overseeing the duties, functions, responsibilities, and authorities of the Commissioner of the Financial Services Authority in providing legal protection to insurance (consumer) policyholders as appropriate based on the applicable laws and regulations, especially related to the authority to defend consumer and public protection.

Keywords: Protection; law: holder; policy; insurance;
DOI: https://doi.org/10.38193/IJRCMS.2023.5207
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